Are you left with your right brain?

10-04-2014 CA. Dhanashree D. Prabhu

Does that mean, do you use your right brain effectively like your left brain? Or do you use your right brain at all, due to which it is extinct or not left? Well, it means both!  

As we all know, brain and heart are among the most important parts of our body. In fact, if the brain sends a signal to the heart to stop beating, we are no more! So it is important to consciously and constantly monitor our subconscious mind to bear the fruits of what we do and what we want to do.  

For most of us, the left side of our brain is more dominant than the right. This is because, as infants, our right brains are already active. We have seen how kids soak information like sponges. Slowly, the dominance shifts from the right to the left hemisphere and learning henceforth becomes more effortful. This left hemisphere is only about 5% of our entire brain capacity. So you can imagine if we consciously start using our right brain, how much more productive we could be or how much more we could achieve!  

Left brain symbolises logic, reasoning. Right brain symbolises creativity. Being creative or artistic doesn’t mean you know how to draw or play an instrument. Being creative is a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world.  

Why is it that we feel out of place and depressed at times?   

When parts of our brains do not communicate well with each other, we perceive the world as full of irreconcilable differences and conflicts. It can be hypothesized that the conflicts we see in the outer world are the personification of conflicts within our brains. It’s all in our minds and we keep blaming the rest of the world for it! When our brains become integrated, we may see new and often surprising solutions, where none seem to have existed before. To function at our best, we need to have access to our whole brains.   

Advantages of using right brain:  

  • Improved communications at all levels;  
  • Improved health;  
  • Physical agility is improved;  
  • Problem solving is enhanced;  
  • Ability to image better;  
  • Ability to discern at deeper levels;  
  • Creativity is greatly enhanced;  
  • Opens new levels of consciousness;  
  • Able to learn new things more easily;  
  • Increases I.Q.;  
  • Harmonizes the individual with the environment;  
  • Aids in gaining a positive outlook;  
  • Improves financial ability;  
  • Improves ability to work;  
  • Abundant available energy; ? and much, much more.  

Right Brain Exercise  

Methods of opening the right brain functions abound and include music, art, exercise (yes, physical exercise is good for the brain), massage, color therapy, aroma therapy, acupressure…  

  • Break out of the routine / Unlearn traditional ways of thinking. Be patient. Be creative. Be different than you were.   
  • Meditate. New ideas indicate good meditation. Meditation doesn’t necessarily mean, you have to sit in a secluded place and chant ‘Om’. It is as simple as enjoying every moment of the day. Its absolute joy and happiness, becoming fresh again, alive! Actually meditation happens, you can’t do it!  
  • Be aware. Notice everything about you; colours, sounds, people, trees, etc., and try to increase that awareness every day.  
  • Listen to dreams, intuition.  
  • BELIEVE YOU CAN DO THIS! Don't rely on the opinions of others to judge and evaluate your path. The belief system should be so strong that, you don’t just believe, but you know that you can do it!  
  • Surround yourself with bright colours, bright lights, bright odours, views of scenic nature, helpful, respectful, and similar friends  
  • Be creative to some extent each day  
  • Good nutrition  
  • Use wrong hand to do a few things.  

We as human beings were created all unique…and wonderfully unique at that.  

So stand up! Believe in yourself! And do what u do best! Excel in what u can! And try your best at the things that might not come as easy for you. We are all unique. We can all accomplish a world of possibilities, with a little effort.